It’s easy to give when you feel you’re getting

Andreas Andersson’s job is to see the people and understand the computers.

– I want the staff to be able to come to me if there is something. Whether it’s problems at home or at work. “I want to help find solutions so that everyone can feel good,” he says.


Andreas Andersson is the site manager in Umeå and responsible for IT. He has been working at Telecenter since 2005 and in spring 2019 Telecenter became part of Wecall. He feels that the big difference is that the working climate improved.

– Everyone at Wecall is so responsive. They were engaged and listened to us. This is special I felt. I’ve never experienced that in any other workplace,” says Andreas.

Andreas thinks that managers are very good at showing appreciation and giving feedback. It makes him feel important and like a significant part of the company.

– This is a great place to work where everyone has a stake. Everyone is important and has a role to play.


A varied job

As a human resources manager responsible for the company’s IT systems, Andreas Andersson’s work is varied to say the least. For example, he has built the company’s billing system. Put simply, he has built the bridge between the company’s financial system and inbound call handling tools.

– I get to do everything and it’s fun! “From the bottom to the top,” he says.

There is really only one downside to his work and that is that he sometimes works too much and forgets to stop and take breaks.

– But that’s because it’s so much fun,” he says.


Developing within the company

Wecall invests in its employees and many of its managers started out as telephone operators. This is also the case for Andreas Andersson.

– If you have an ambition and a desire, you can probably go as far as you want within the company,” says Andreas.

Andreas goes on to say that working at Wecall means a lot of freedom with responsibility. Managers and supervisors trust their staff and do not stand by and control what is done.

– It’s easy to give a lot when you feel you’re getting a lot, says Andreas.

He also believes that it is a feeling that is reflected towards customers. That you want to go the extra mile when you feel good and enjoy your work. He sums it up in a northern way:

– If it’s good, it’s good.

Andreas Andersson

Acting site manager at Telecenter in Umeå and IT manager for the whole of Wecall.

Ensure that Wecall has a functioning IT system and that the employees at the Telecenter in Umeå feel good.


Andreas describes the perfect Telecenter employee:
The one who wants to feel seen and get both good and bad feedback on his work.