Michael Backlund


A sports guy who is passionate about working in sales. Michael Backlund became a top salesman at Wecall at an early age and discovered that it was possible to be the best and win competitions.

– That was fun! I need to challenge myself and it’s fun to talk to difficult customers and win them over,” says Michael.



With an encouraging father who also worked as a salesman, Michael Backlund found his way when he stepped into Wecall for the first time in 2005, at the age of 15. At first, it was all about selling Mr Music records. Just two years later, he was given more responsibility and started managing operations, bringing in some staff.

– I’ve tried my hand at two other companies but came back. It is a sign that you are happy. And now I think I’m staying for good.

Michael didn’t switch because he didn’t like it, but because he wanted to try something different.


A new company is born

In 2007, the first sports project at Wecall started when Gif Sundsvall contacted us for help in finding microsponsors.

– Me and my colleague Viktor took this on and the project grew. There was more work and more associations.

In 2015, the Sports Company was established and named Wecall Sports. The company grew rapidly in a short period of time and was formed to become more organized and clearer to customers.

– We want to keep growing, slowly but surely.


Learning to be a salesperson

Management works a lot with follow-ups. According to Michael Backlund, it’s not about controlling but helping employees to keep track, adjust what is needed and develop.

– You are trained to become a salesperson in the company. We focus on getting the right person to fit into the team. And then you can learn the job.

At Wecall, new employees receive training and the opportunity to learn on the job. All staff are keen to make newcomers feel welcome and quickly become part of the team.

– It goes fast because we are such a safe group. Everyone knows everyone and we care about each other,” says Michael.

Michael says that he and his colleagues work a lot on the atmosphere and the family feeling. That’s what made him fall for Wecall in the first place.

– We want to keep the people who work with us, so we care about them. It’s good to have worked in the group where I’m now a manager because then you know what’s important.

Michael has extensive sales experience and has worked at Wecall since 2005.

Michael Backlund, Partner Manager at Wecall Sports

Tasks: Has the main responsibility for contact with sports clubs.


Michael describes the perfect Wecall employee:
When working in sales, I think it is important to be driven and competitive. Otherwise, you should be happy and pleasant and spread good energy. Be a good companion.