Call center companies.

Are you thinking of hiring a call center company for telephone answering, customer service, switchboard solutions and/or sales? is one of Sweden’s leading call center companies. We have customers in Sweden, the Nordic region and parts of Europe. We currently provide telephone services in Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Spanish and English.


By choosing our telephone answering service, you free up time to focus on what you do best in your business. A flexible service that ensures you don’t miss out on those important calls that were missed or meetings that fell through the cracks.


Call center companies with great expertise


We are a call center company with a wide range of services for your business. We work with a wide range of companies in many different industries. We provide telephone and switchboard services and first-line support in several languages.


With us as your partner, you will increase the level of service and save time and money at the same time. Does it sound interesting?


Read more in-depth how we work as one of Sweden’s leading call center companies here!