Wecall recruits new members for LRF


Growing with new members is key for the National Farmers’ Union (LRF). Then Wecall was attracted as a partner.


-“At Wecall, they have sales coaches and are professionals in sales,” says Anette Ördell, member strategist at LRF.


By hiring Wecall to recruit members, LRF is buying expertise in sales. The team at Wecall working on this has very good knowledge of what LRF stands for and has to offer.


– The more members we have, the more opportunity we have in LRF to jointly influence decisions and laws in the right direction,” says Anette Ördell.


It has also become more cost-effective to use Wecall as it is expensive and requires a lot of resources and knowledge to run membership recruitment in-house.

Wecall shows its strength when something happens. They are responsive and act quickly when something happens.

The cooperation between LRF and Wecall is easy and smooth.


– Wecall is very accommodating, honest and straightforward in its communication. They help us achieve our goals,” says Anette Ördell.


Despite this, problems do occur from time to time.


– This is what determines whether it is a good partner and this is where Wecall shows its strength. They are responsive and act quickly when something happens.

National Farmers’ Union

Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF, is a non-partisan interest and business organization for people and companies in the green industries.


LRF contributes to the development of businesses and entrepreneurs based on agriculture, forestry, horticulture and the rural environment, so that they can realize their ambitions for growth, profitability and attractiveness.