Professional switchboard operators with time for your customers.

All companies and businesses depend on their customers. It is important to keep them happy and satisfied so that they remain loyal to your products or services. This includes being available for questions, support, complaints, orders and more. Simply to be available to both new and existing customers.


At Wecall, we understand that this can be an overwhelming task for those who are already struggling to make time for their business. This is why, as a leading contact center company, we can help you with all aspects of customer service, switchboard services and telephone answering. Let us take over your switchboard work – so you can focus on what you’re really passionate about.


Are you looking for an external operator? Read more here.


What does a telephone operator do?


So, what does a switchboard operator do? In simple terms, it is someone who answers the phone in the name of your company. We know you have a lot on your agenda. We understand that you don’t have time to be on the phone with every customer who has something to say about your company’s services or products.


Business telephone exchange – a telephony system that answers.


Do you get a lot of calls but find it difficult to answer them? Instead, leave that burden to us at Wecall. We have extensive experience in customer contact and our skilled operators will be the friendly and courteous voice your customers hear on the phone when they call. The help your customers can get on the phone should not be underestimated – it can even be the deciding factor in whether a customer chooses you or a competitor. Contact us today to find out more about our telephony systems and the Business Telephone Exchange service.